Travelers Welcome

Travelers Welcome

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dali’s Window

by Ralph Monday

When Dali painted himself as a character in the
Persistence of Memory he gossiped about the Bible
in an unneighborly way, instructed to always clear
your throat before addressing Moses without concern
for other people’s feelings. Above all look down on the Bible
in the second person. If meat is involved, lubricate it
metrosexually. Start a rumor about evil while rolling your
eyes with dinner guests talking about women in a letter
of resignation.
His advice: only hypnotize a statue if you want to but explain
bells to your grandmother in a message in a bottle.
Don’t mention the window as if you are freezing to death.
Pile up words on regret in a language your mother would hate.
Let the ghost reconsider a guilty verdict, but above all
fulminate over postal carriers as a sacrifice to the sun
and hitch a ride with Christians while looking at pornography.

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