Travelers Welcome

Travelers Welcome

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

we won't be unremembered

by Linda M. Crate

bruised and buried in the tapestry
of your skin
let me needle and nettle
further within
the houses of your secrets, let me
bury you in mine;
take a drag of forever in your eyes
i'll show you the ocean of
let's sing a song no one will forget
one the world can never
let us dance within the garments of one
another, you're the only
clothing i could ever need;
your embrace is the only recollection of
love i ever want to need
you're the one i always yearn for,
and you're the only
one that i'll ever hug with the embrace of my
smile because you're the only one
i'll ever love
because you are perfection
in all the scars of your flaws, and i your shy
heartbeat to calm the rage in your
ever bleeding soul.

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