Travelers Welcome

Travelers Welcome

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dream vehicle

by Jamie Hubner

I walk a corridor of sanctimonious espionage,
Constantly battling against a double agent,
Flittering between him,
and gravities underlying grip upon me.

The projected trajectory of thought made hideous,
By mornings judgmental gaze,
Thought is most certainly floundering,
While the rest of my heart secretes a sweet wanderlust.

I have entered the arena of the unbeknown,
If god created earth and us beasts in tandem
Then he undoubtedly presented us with these liquids,
These mind and reality altering tools,
With which I have created a labyrinth, returning to my true self,
Modifying my mind into a finely tuned dream vehicle of deception,
Driving a reality we cannot control,
Not due to fates subtle push,
Nor the firm grip of human interaction or fault...
But because control is nonexistent and unheard of in this world,
The feeling is all the same.
A Comatose emptiness alluring you like a promiscuous temptress,
Winking and tugging at your sleeve.

We are all unwell and attention lacking,
Perhaps this is the constant devouring of us from the inside,
A parasitic force drowning us in a temporary sea
of twinkling stars to help us forget,
Nasty medicine does you good
Like a tarnished reputation adequately fits the bill,
Mendacity and deception the tricks of my comrades trade.

We become lost...

Victims of a seducing, liquefying whisper,
Delivered on the breeze.

The night is young,
As I welcome you to the inner sanctum of my daze.
Home to palatial rapture,
And a confidence trickster,
Tiring by each pass of day.

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