Sunday, December 15, 2013

Marsh Mayhem

by Colin Beardshall

The reeds rustle audibly in the wind
Like the flutter of birds on the wing.
Sedge warblers sing territorial songs
While out of sight a Bittern booms.

I still have half my packed lunch of soggy sandwiches.
Should I eat or feed the mallards that view me with intent?
The Mallards win and squabble over my discarded meal.

I pack away my lunch box and drain the flask of tea,
What was that, seen from the corner of my right eye?
Putting the binoculars to eye level I scour the reed beds.

There, I see it, Marsh Harrier on its evening patrol
Seeking the unwary among the restless birds.
One of the sedge warblers has just delivered its swan song.