Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pack Thi Bags And Guh, Lass, Teck Thi Ook Nar
(after Dylan Thomas)

by Rachel J. Fenton

Pack thi bags and guh, lass, teck thi ook nar
quietly, if thi fatha wecks, tha'll know.
Dun't darken this dooerstep, start thi car;

blinding me wi science, who d'yer think y'ar?
Tha wants t' ev some proper whuk t' show.
Pack thi bags and guh, lass, teck thi ook nar,
learn t' get thi ands black sumweer far
away, aht t' rooed, eeard darn low,
dunt darken this dooerstep, start thi car.

Am sick er folk like thee telling me ar
t' speyk, what t' seh, what t' write, un ow.
Pack thi bags and guh, lass, teck thi ook nar

Does tha think am simple, just cos er ar
a talk? Does tha think thar better? Daft cow,
dunt darken this dooerstep, start thi car.

Am norrevin thee meckin aht ah mar
thy histry; wiart rooits tha can't grow.
Pack thi bags and guh, lass, teck thi ook nar,
dunt darken this dooerstep, start thi car.


  1. Being from Essex & now living in Teesside I'm familiar with local accents but can't quite grasp the sound of this, due to my unfamiliarity. Nevertheless loved the whole monologue.

  2. Sandra, it's a Barnsley dialect. Thank you.

  3. I smiled the whole way through as I read this aloud.

    It's utterly charming and rollickingly rhythmic tha lungwhich thi got thar.

  4. Aha! - Barnsley I can 'do' in my head - thank you.

  5. Kass, cheers me dears!

    Sandra - you're most welcome.
