Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Water Spouts

by Morgen Streur
Why do conversations evaporate so easily?
Is it because we’re made of water that words & ideas float so freely, 
on top of ear drums and off of tongue tips?
Are we affected so deeply by the current of our own thought-streams, 
that dreams, with friends and loved ones, cease to matter in the long run?
The strongest swimmers survive
Through tsunamis and in rip-tides, I know that I’ll be fine…. 
But are you wrapped up in that vortex?  
Are you numb from all the pretense?
To sensation I say “Good riddance,” I’m severing this poem at my cortex. 


  1. "To sensation I say “Good riddance,” I’m severing this poem at my cortex."

    That'll teach it!

