Submission Guidelines


The Camel Saloon invites original and previously unpublished poetry.

Original and previously unpublished prose pieces may also be considered for placement in the tavern itself or in The Bactrian Room.

Send three works in the body of an email to: editor.camelsaloon (at) gmail (dot) com   The editor reminds contributors that three means three, as in three.  Most of the time.

Please single space all submissions.  For prose, do not indent paragraphs.  Instead, justify to the left.

Submissions of artwork and photography are welcome.

Except by prior arrangement, word attachments will be returned unread.

Simultaneous submissions will not be accepted without specific permission.

Acceptance grants The Camel Saloon one time electronic publishing rights.  Upon publication, all rights revert immediately to the author. 

Publication is scheduled three times per week:  Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Submitting authors may expect a timely response from the editor of The Camel Saloon.


The editor requests that the following be checked at the door:

(1) (a) Poems about being a poet, poems about writing poetry or other crafting of words, poems about poets, and poems about poetry or about writing in general or in specificity; or poems including mention of, or allusion to, the same;
(1) (b) References to pages especially blank;
(1) (c) References to chapters especially new;
(1) (d) References to books especially open;
(1) (e) References to ink, pens, alphabets, typewriters, keyboards and the like when in reference to (1) (a) through (1) (d);
(1) (f) Nothing in this clause is meant to restrict reference to specific titles; or to religious books or verse or chapter thereof;
(2)  Poems about cats; allusions to cats; or mention of, or allusion to, same;
(3)  Poems that conclude by asking a question;
(4)  Poems degrading to diversity or demography;
(5)  Poems of complaint without empathy or solution; and
(6)  Pithy thoughts or aphorisms of a few lines masquerading as a poem.

On poems about the 1960s, the War in Vietnam, and all related personages and events, the Saloon prefers to let the dead rest in peace, and for the ghosts to speak for themselves.

No self-pity.  No whining.

No dreams or variants thereof.

No limericks.

No all caps.

The philosophy department is down the hall and to the right.

The lecture hall is to the left.

The melodrama department is currently closed.

The comedy stage is currently closed.

The Saloon generally eyes suicide with disfavor but will look the other way if a round is purchased for the patrons before the deed, and provided the act does not occur on or within visual distance of the premises.

Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the editor, or by the generosity of the same, or by oversight, deliberate or otherwise.


Haiku will be considered only if seasonal and generated from personal observation or experience of the natural world.  Derivative or imaginative works, abstract thoughts, and constructions not grounded in nature offend the Camel's sensibilities.


Poker club meets every Thursday afternoon promptly at three in the back room.  Cash only.


The Camel Saloon reserves the right to bestow preferential treatment upon any patron who includes with a submission his or her or a friend's original photography of the city, farm, forest or other locale portraying the place where the contributor lives, works, plays or wanders. Please include the specific location of the scene and the name of the photographer.

The Camel Saloon is a nonpaying publication.

Published work will be retained in the archives of The Camel Saloon on a non-exclusive basis.  The Camel Saloon may select certain works published in this or an associated space for inclusion in annual, "best of" or similar electronic or print anthologies or highlight issues.


Thank you for your patronage.

Prices subject to change according to customer's attitude.

Drink up.