Thursday, April 4, 2013

Love, (Rubbish)

by Amy Soricelli

My closet is filled with you.
Your books with random thoughts underlined
with your yellow/ (very yellow) marker.
You underlined the most random lines and nothing -
(no, nothing)
was quoted anywhere else. It fell on deaf ears your underlined musings -
I could care less how much you cared.

It was less of less - those boots you walked in.
They're in the back buried, like nobody worth remembering; their shiny tips curled-up
in a bad 'stick out your tongue' sort of way.
Single socks are stuffed deep into the right one -
(or the wrong one.)
Your boots are here, you left them.

I came across your hat it sung to me -
its lousy off/key 'down on its luck love me till I die' tune.
It fell at my feet like a broken bird snapping its neglected song into my air
or chirping like they do -  when they're stuck in a cage in some poorly ventilated Bronx apartment
under the El -
(and not near any good food.)

I found your notebooks on the left side deep-in by my winter coat.
You wrote in code (you wrote in code -)
and it didn't make me shake my head and fall down on bended knees...
I did not sit down and think.
How funny to find you so filled in my places-
and how easy you fit into one box.  All of you-
just the one.


  1. Invitation - In
    I'm Brazilian.
    Spent reading here, and visit his blog.
    I also have one, only much simpler.
    I'm inviting you to visit me, and if possible follow together for them and with them. I always liked to write, expose and share my ideas with people, regardless of class Social, Religious Creed, the Sexual Orientation, or, of Ethnicity.
    To me, what will interest is our exchange of ideas, and, thoughts.
    I'm there in my space Simpleton, waiting for you.
    And I'm already following your blog.
    Strength, Peace, Friendship and Happiness
    For you, a hug from Brazil.

  2. this is beautiful. -- "It fell on deaf ears your underlined musings -
    I could care less how much you cared." favorite line.
