Tuesday, March 12, 2013

the breadth of things

by Linda M. Crate

sometimes I’m envious of the evening in all it’s stark beauty of tangerine and lavender strung with ribbons of gold and bright orange. I wish that I could obtain that level of loveliness. I’d be every shade of gorgeous then — models would turn their heads as I walked and even Aphrodite would be rendered speechless as I walked past. the burnt sienna earth would be praised merely because I walked across it. but I am not even pretty enough to be a star despite all my blazing passion. I try and try and I try again, sometimes life is a hard race to endure. I like the taste of snowflakes on my tongue, it makes me feel closer to the earth, closer to Adam whom God made from the dust.


  1. Linda this beautiful and pretty nice.
    Tom Hatch

  2. "I like the taste of snowflakes on my tongue..." I like reading Linda M Crate's poems...they're like musical leaves drifting by on a breeze trying to heal the hurt of being alive...thanks again...

  3. Thank you, Tom. :)

    wretchedEarth, thank you for your continued support. I'm really glad that you enjoy my poetry, and that compliment made my day. So thank you for that. ^_^
