Thursday, May 17, 2012

Euros and Pesetas

by Annmarie Lockhart

Spain played the beautiful game
speaking Catalan and Spanish,
the face of Iker Casillas made
women and men forget the burst
bubbles and easy euros devoured
like candy and gin the night before war.
But to me, Spain still tastes like
flamenco, Jerez, the Alhambra,
Sevilla, salt crystals, elephantine
prawns, tiger cubs, Serrano ham,
white towns, red wine, bubble water,
olives, Prince, matadors, churros y
chocolate, topless beaches, tiger
cubs, siestas, pesetas,
and expats
always speaking flawless


  1. Very nice, you can almost taste it in the reading.
    I like how the Euros and Pesetas works with Spanglish.
