Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Greatest Show on Earth

by Bobbie Troy

the circus came to town
in 1793
hundreds of years
after the birth of Christ

the Greatest Show on Earth
Kyrie Eleison

in the midst of circus preparations:

a meditation
among roustabouts
before setting up the tent
for the big event

a conversation
between two people
in the same act:
don’t go up
the wire’s not safe
it doesn’t matter
i’ve found what i want

and just before she fell
he saw that her eyes
were filled with relics

the Greatest Show on Earth
Kyrie Eleison


  1. How sad! And is very thought provoking. Great writing as usual.

  2. Bobbie, you took me in so many different directions. Did he love her? What was happening, what lead up to now, and the sad ending.

  3. I think this is one of your best, Bobbie!

  4. Haunting......

  5. Wow, thank you everyone for taking the time to comment. I also think it's haunting.

  6. Wonderful poem. My favorite lines, "it doesn't matter". And "her eyes/were filled with relics"
